Isolta’s culture

We at Isolta are all equal. All employees in Isolta, from trainee to executive, are given responsibilities that can be carried out freely. Our work relies on four pillars: FreedomResponsibilityCoaching and Vision.


We believe that people are more motivated, committed and their true potential can be highlighted, when they can choose their own way of working. Everyone is different and that difference creates an inspiring atmosphere, creativity and innovation.

Freedom is not only humanly important but it is the cornerstone on Isolta’s company. When a customer service employees are free, they can use their own creativity to provide the best possible customer service. If software developers are free, they develop software solutions which they themselves want to use and recommend.


We avoid hierarchy and externally imposed rules in the company. However, everyone has one or more sphere of responsibility. Responsibility should be based on employee’s own goals and strengths.

Responsibility is defined so that it produces valuable skills over time for the employees as well. Competence should be valuable regardless of the situation and even the workplace. We therefore encourage to succeed as a human being, not just as employees of the company.


We are developing our skills and share them especially through coaching. We do not give orders, but give the space for self-learning and perceiving goals.

Everyone who works in Isolta is both a coach and a trainee. So we are both leaders and learners. We are never finished, but one the other hand we want to be at the top and we all have something to give one another.


Isolta aims to help both small businesses and their accountants. We want business management and accounting to be easy and effortless. A good service and working tools save both time and money.

The vision combines the core values of Isolta – responsibility, freedom and coaching. As a result, a strong and creative working environment is created that has a common goal: to make life and company management easier for our clients. The service is never finished, the vision of a perfect service is constantly being complemented by listening to our customers.